A blog about exercise, diet, beauty and life...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Almost 5 Months, Morning Sickness is GONE!

I have not written here for a long time. You all know why. Much as I would like to post everyday, I just couldn't get myself to but surprise, surprise! I'm back! Did any of you miss me at all? Hellooo? Ummm, ok, I guess not.

Anyway, like I said, I'm back. I'm heavier and rounder and I'm almost at my fifth month. There are even times when I can feel my baby move. At first, I thought it was just gas. Been farting like mad for almost a month now you see. Gross, I know! But go on, ask any preggo mom you know and I'm sure they'll unabashedly tell you they do fart now and then if not every minute, every second of the day and that it's the baby making them. In my experience, it feels like every time my baby moves, I feel like letting out a bit of wind. Excuse my not-too-polite post but there is no reason why I cannot share the experience with you guys and in my own blog at that. I can say whatever I want here provided, of course, that I don't offend any of you too much. If any of my post offends you in any way, you don't have to read any of my nonsense. Period.

So my morning sickness is gone. I don't feel nauseous anymore. I don't have any food cravings either but been hogging on food I noticed. If I don't find a way to control my appetite, I'm going to be HUGE by the end of the month and I don't think it's good to put on a lot of weight at this time. The doctor told me to watch what I eat. I wouldn't want the baby to get too big as that will only increase my chances of getting a C section. Means, I should be considering going on a preggo mom special diet starting tomorrow. That is to stay away from fatty foods including take away meals and fast food yummies and eat more fresh veggies and fruits instead.

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